Athan Alarm Clocks

Muslim prayer times are very important to keep precisely; therefore, the modern athan clock is a must-have for any Muslim household. The Islamic prayer times are precisely coded in any athan clock sold here at Muslim American and once you’ve set it appropriately, your salat times will be announced with a clear than throughout the home.

Athan alarm clock options can be found in our Islamic store online, but what makes the use of an athan clock any better than just following a posted set of Islamic prayer times as closely as you can? Firstly, when the prayer time comes in and the family is engaged in some activity, it could be easily overlooked. However, with an athan clearly sounding throughout the house, it will be hard to ignore the prayer times and prayer will, insha’Allah, be more closely adhered to. Putting an athan clock in your home is also a good way to ensure that the athan time is announced with consistency and when the athan is announced clearly and remembered in the hearts and minds of Muslims, it can help to drive away jinn. The athan will be announced by the clock per the muezzin you define in the settings and the call to prayer will echo through the home at the salaat times that you choose.