Islamic Wall Hangings
Using Wall Hangings in your home is a great way to remember Islamic concepts and purify the home with a consciousness of Muslim thought. We have gold and silver chrome plaques featuring Arabic names of Allah and Muhammad in calligraphy, Quran verses of healing, protection, and refuge along with classic pieces like Ayatul Kursi. We also have pewter plaques designed in a Turkish style, one of which provides a Dua’ to give protection from the Evil Eye Browse our selection of Islamic decorations online and come visit our store if you are in the Charlotte, NC area. We ship Muslim products anywhere in the USA!
Our Arabic calligraphy wall clock has ayah 65:3 (At-Talaq) which reads: “ And He provides for him by (means that) he could never imagine. And if anyone puts his trust in Allah, then (Allah) is sufficient for him. Surely, Allah will accomplish His Purpose. Truly, for all things Allah has appointed proper proportions.” Insha’ Allah this remembrance is with all of us at all times.
In addition to the classic emblems of both the name of Allah and Muhammad in Arabic calligraphy, we have Qur’ verses that are used for specific purposes in Muslim &rsquos; life. Please read the sections below to understand more about the functions of Ayatul Kursi, the Al-Muawwidhatayn, and duas for protection, healing, and refuge.
In an authentic Hadith recorded on the authority of ‘ Uqbah bin ‘ Amir that the Muhammad (peace be upon him) said, "Do you not see that there have been Ayaat revealed to me tonight the like of which has not been seen before?" They are Say: “ I seek refuge with, the Lord of Al-Falaq.” (Surah Al-Falaq 113:1) and; Say: “I seek refuge with the Lord of mankind.” (Surah An Naas, #114) - Sahih Muslim 1:558
These two surahs, when combined, are referred to as al-Muwwidhatayn or “ Verses of Refuge” and these were used by Muhammad to recite as verses of healing for the sick or troubled. Ideally, the one who is ill should recite but it is also permissible to recite for someone who cannot. In Ibn Kathir &rsquo's; Tafsir, it was recorded by Abu Sa'id that Muhammad (peace be upon him) used to seek protection from the evil eyes of the jinn and mankind. But when the Muawwidhatayn were revealed, he used them (for protection) and abandoned all else besides them. (At-Tirmidhi, An-Nisai and ibn Majah)
Our Mother Aishah (may Allah be pleased with her) is recorded as saying “ Whenever Allah ’s Apostle became sick, he would recite Al-Mu'awwidhatayn (Surah al-Falaq and Surah an-Nas) and then blow his breath over his body. When he became seriously ill, I used to recite (for him) and rub his hands over his body hoping for its blessings.” (Sahih al-Bukhari Vol.6 Bk.6 No.535)
Our Islamic wall dé cor pieces which feature the Muawwidhatayn are available as green, blue, or red over gold.
Ayatul Kursi
This is often referred to as “ The Verse of the Throne” and is regarded as one of the absolute most important verses for a Muslim to memorize and recite frequently. Here is the translation and transliteration of Aytul Kursi, which is 2:255:
“ Allah! There is no god except He, the Living, the Everlasting. Neither slumber overtakes Him, nor sleep. To Him belongs everything in the heavens and everything on earth. Who is he that can intercede with Him except with His permission? He knows what is before them, and what is behind them; and they cannot grasp any of His knowledge, except as He wills. His Throne extends over the heavens and the earth, and their preservation does not burden Him. He is the Highest, the Great.”
Allahu la ilaha illa huwa Al -Haiyul-Qaiyum
La ta'khudhuhu sinatun wa la nawm
lahu ma fi as-samawati wa ma fil-'ard
Man dhal-ladhi yashfa'u 'indahu illa bi-idhnihi
Ya'lamu ma bayna aydihim wa ma khalfahum
wa la yuhituna bi shai'in min 'ilmihi illa bima sha'a
Wasi'a kursiyuhus-samawati wal ard
wa la ya'uduhu hifdhuhuma
wa Hu wal 'Aliyul-Adheem
The virtue of Ayatul Kursi is so great that Allah ’s Messenger, Muhammad (peace be upon him) is recorded saying “ Whoever recites Ayat ul-Kursi immediately after each prescribed Prayer, there will be nothing standing between him and his entering Paradise except death.”
In another authentic hadith recorded by Imam Muslim, Ubayy bin Ka'b (may Allah be pleased with him) reported: The Messenger of Allah (peace be upon him) said: "Abu Mundhir! Do you know which Ayah in Allah's Book is the greatest? I said: 'Allah and His messenger know best.' He (peace and blessings be upon him) again said: 'Do you know which Ayah in Allah's Book, according to you, is the greatest?' I (Abu Mundhir) replied: 'It is 'Allah la ilaha illa Huwal-Hayyul-Qayyum'.[2:255]. Thereupon he (peace be upon him) patted me in the chest and said, ' Rejoice by your knowledge, O Abu Mundhir! (i.e, may this knowledge be a source of respect, honor and benefit to you)'."
Therefore, every Muslim is encouraged to memorize and recite this verse as frequently as possible in order to get the reward from Allah as promised by Allah ’s Messenger. Our wall hangings with Arabic calligraphy can help you keep it in mind. Even if you can’t read Arabic, the presence of Ayatul Kursi in your home will remind you to recite it whenever you see it.
Dua for Protection against the Evil Eye
Some people think that belief in the evil eye is silly; however, as Muslims, we must recognize that much of Allah ’s creation is unseen to us. Things such as jinn, magic, and the Evil Eye are factual parts of existence that Allah (mighty and sublime is he) and Muhammad (peace be upon him) has warned us about.
The Turkish emblem of the Evil Eye is referred to as a Nazar and while it has no power against the evil eye, it does remind us that we should seek refuge in Allah against it.
The Nazar Duasi, or Prayer of Protection from the Evil Eye, is best found in the ayah of the Qur’an which is Surah Qalam; 68:51-52 which reads:
Wa-in yakadu allatheena kafaroo layuzliqoonaka bi-absarihim lamma samiAAoo alththikra wayaqooloona innahu lamajnoonun Wama huwa illa thikrun lilAAalameena
And when those who suppress the truth hear the Admonition [Qur'aan], they would almost make you stumble with their eyes! And they say, "He is indeed mad." And this is nothing but a reminder to the world.
Putting this pewter wall hanging in your home won’t protect you from the evil eye, but reciting the ayah of the Qur’an will, and using this Islamic art wall hanging is the best way to keep reminded of the ayat and the protection from evil that Allah provides.